Preserving & Protecting Your Family’s Assets & Legacy

Executing powers of attorney for later means peace of mind now

On Behalf of | Jun 20, 2017 | Advance Health Care Directives |

No caring New York family wants to entertain the thought of a time when their elderly loved ones may become unable to make communicate their wishes for the health care they wish to receive or, in some cases, forego. Additionally, few individuals wish to consider the fact that they may eventually be unable to make sound financial decisions for themselves. However, without planning for such eventualities, these important issues are often put off until it is already too late for the elderly individuals to make their desires known. Advance planning includes a variety of legal decisions, but some of the most important to both the individual and his or her family include an advance medical directive and powers of attorney.

Unfortunately, a very real aspect of aging is the possibility of eventual incapacity. It can be crucial for individuals to plan well in advance, while they still have all their mental faculties, for a time when they will be unable to make or communicate health care or financial wishes. Executing a durable power of attorney allows the individual to choose a trusted family member or friend to act on his or her behalf if the need arises.

Advance planning goes beyond simply making these decisions and creating the necessary legal documents. Another important aspect is communicating those wishes to family members and any involved. An advance health care directive will stipulate the individual’s medical wishes in cases of incapacity, but giving family members time to understand and accept these choices may help avoid complications in the long term.

Additionally, a key element is ensuring that a few trusted individuals know where these legal documents are kept and the name of the attorney who helped prepare the documents. A New York living will lawyer will have the necessary experience and knowledge to help elderly individuals and their families plan for the future. Preparing and executing an advance medical directive and powers of attorney may not only prove essential later, but can provide invaluable peace of mind now.

Source:, “Your Family: Advance Elderly Planning”, Steven Bardwell, June 15, 2017


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