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What is the New York State Partnership for Long-Term Care?

On Behalf of | May 23, 2019 | Medicaid Planning For Nursing Home And Home Health Care Expenses |

In the advanced stages of life, home care, nursing home care and living assistance are some of the various realities that many individuals and families need to deal with. These services are often expensive, which means that many people usually rely on federal and state government assistance to make sure that the final years of life are spent comfortably and respectfully. One such assistance program that people in New York should know about is the New York State Partnership for Long-Term Care.

As some of our readers may know, the NYSPLTC is a program run by the state’s Department of Health and combines the benefits of both long-term care insurance and Medicaid Extended Coverage. In addition to assisting in financially preparing for the possibility of requiring home care, nursing home care and living assistance, the NYSPLTC is an effective means of protecting a person’s assets in the event that the long-term care needs exceed the period that is covered by Partnership LTC insurance policy.

Those who buy a Partnership LTC insurance policy, and adhere to all the rules that govern this policy, can apply for MEC in the event that the care-related expenses are extending beyond the initially planned period. A major benefit of the NYSPLTC is that, unlike Medicaid, MEC allows people to protect some or all of their assets. The asset protection possibilities are based on whether the person who bought the Partnership LTC policy chose a Total Asset Protection plan or a Dollar-for-Dollar Asset Protection plan.

The NYSPLTC is a great initiative in making sure that assets are protected, even in the face of expensive long-term care. However, home care, nursing home care or living assistance often involves a lot of planning that can overwhelm many people. It may be a wise decision for individuals and families to get more information about all of the benefits.


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