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Why are falls so dangerous?

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2020 | Injuries |

It is no secret that older individuals are more prone to serious injuries from falls, but you may wonder why falls are so dangerous. 

According to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention, falls often lead to broken bones and head injuries, especially in older people. Both types of injuries require extensive recovery and can lead to further health issues. In addition, healing from a broken bone can take a lot longer for an older individual than it does for someone younger. 


In every five fall situations, one of those results in a serious injury. In fact, over three million older individuals seek care from the emergency room for injuries related to falls every year. It is the most common cause of brain injuries in this age group, and falls cause about 95% of the hip fractures suffered by seniors. 


Falling is not only more serious for older adults but also more common due to issues that occur naturally with aging, such as lower body weakness and vision problems. Older individuals also are more likely to have issues with their feet, walking and balance. They may also take medications that can lead to instability that can make them more likely to lose their balance. 

Once a senior experiences a bad fall, it is more likely that he or she will begin to fear falling again. This often leads to reduced activity, which does not help matters. It can make him or her even more unstable when walking and moving, which increases the chances of a fall even more so. 


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