Often, potential clients call me regarding what we call “trip and fall” cases. The name speaks for itself. Most injuries sustained in these accidents are severe, but that does not mean there is a case. Liability is the first consideration as these types of cases are...
Preserving & Protecting Your Family’s Assets & Legacy
Month: January 2023
5 Things You Need To Know While Estate Planning
Creating an estate plan isn’t necessarily a fun thing to do, but it’s necessary for all adults regardless of wealth. While some people think all you have to do is write a will, there’s much more that you have to do to have a comprehensive estate plan. As you’re...
Assets that do not pass according to the terms of your Last Will & Testament
Generally speaking, when it comes to establishing an estate plan, a Last Will & Testament is an essential document to execute. With a Will, the creator, or testator, can address many different things, but the main purpose of a Will is to provide direction as to...
Substantial increase in Medicaid eligibility levels in January 2023
New York Medicaid asset and income limits for Long Term Care Medicaid are based on a percentage of the Federal Poverty Levels (“FPL”). On January 1, 2023, New York State will increase these percentages. This translates into substantial increases for both income and...
Estate tax update: 2023
IRS Rev. Proc. 2022-38 outlines the increase, for inflation, to the Federal Estate Tax Exemption for 2023, which is $12,920,000.00 per individual (compared to $12,060,00.00 in 2022), or $25,840,000.00 for a married couple (compared to $24,120,00.00 in 2022). The new...
Digital assets and estate planning: What happens to your social media accounts after you die?
Increasingly, our world is becoming more digital. Email, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Yelp, Instagram, Pinterest, Vimeo, photo, video and music accounts…. the list goes on and on. So what happens to these accounts, and more importantly, the content in these accounts,...
When to revisit and revise your estate planning documents?
When it comes to an Estate Plan, every adult should have at least a basic plan in place. An Estate Plan is created, in large part, by executing legal documents. Each document addresses one or a few things, and all the documents come together to form a comprehensive...
Why do some people procrastinate over estate planning?
Estate planning is so much more than drafting a Will. Trusts, Power of Attorneys and Health Care Proxies all perform very different functions. Getting your final wishes down on paper can feel overwhelming. The truth is that this puts many people off from estate...
Relying On Medicare For Your Future Needs?
Planning is a huge part of what elder law is all about, and that includes helping people understand what alternative planning strategies they may need to enjoy their final years. One of the biggest issues people often face is making sure that they have adequate...
2023 New York Medicaid Updates
Please see our new post for 2024 Medicaid updates. For those New York residents who are in need of long-term care, New York State offers two Medicaid programs to cover the cost of such care. There is Community Medicaid, where the care is customarily administered in...